This section provides working pages for mathematics projects being done by some students of Arja Tingstad's at Maunulan yhteiskoulu in Helsinki under my guidance.
Here are some possible projects discussed at out first meeting on 12.11.2018, as well as some other ideas. Each links to its own page with further descriptions and a comment/discussion forum.
Maps, Navigation, and how to tell the earth is a sphere (using basic geometry).
Topology -
Mobius strip.
Knots (with applications to DNA).
Dirac string trick.
Can you tel the difference between a sphere and a torus (donut) - Euler Characteristic.
Statistics - student use of video games and other activities.
Disappearing acts - The missing square and the toroflux.
Golden ratio - This number appears in many place in mathematics as well in popular and ancient culture. The Fibonacci sequence links this to the previous item.
Kruskal Count - A card trick based on probability and Markov chains.