Elementary school math club
In spring 2017 I started and ran the Espoo International School Math Club. It is an after-school activity for kids in elementary school. We engage in a variety of activities covering all kinds of math that is very different from what is found in the regular curricula. I am continuing the club in autumn 2017.
For each weekly meeting I write a blog post with the description of the activities we did, a short overview of the mathematics, links and apps. There are also additional activities to try at home that often will be fun for the whole family :)
Here is a direct link for the activities from spring 2017.
School visits, 2016 -->
"LUMA Centre Aalto [more info in Finnish] offers scientist visits to primary and secondary schools, and to high schools. The researcher organizes a small science session in your class, including: introducing their research field in a fun way, giving an interesting demonstration for the level of the students, telling students about their work, and answering students' questions."
As a member of this initiative I have visited a number of schools in Espoo. Students have ranged in age from 7 to 17.
High school (Lukio) Math Camp - 10.2017
For more information (in Finnish), see lukiolaisten matematiikkaleiri 2017.
It is run through the LUMA centre of Aalto University and organized by members of the department of mathematics and systems analysis. I am one of the 5 organizers.
Nordplus - Math competition
In 2017 I am participating in writing mathematics competition question for Nordplus, an organization of select schools from Nordic and Baltic countries.